Hey, all! I know I haven’t been around here lately and there has been a very good reason for that. I have been making some vague comments on the Views podcast about it and over at Facebook and now the time has come to make an “official announcement”.
Starting on May 14 and continuing every week thereafter I will be the co-host on a new show called From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast.
Every week my good friend Jeffrey Taylor and I will be discussing what we call the Crisis to Crisis era of Superman. Starting with Man of Steel #1 (which came out in 1986) and ending with Adventures of Superman #649 (which came out in 2006) we will be discussing each major Superman title issue by issue by cover date. We will also be covering the important mini-series, events and specials that we find along the way. The first two episodes will cover the Man of Steel mini-series and after that we will be taking the books by cover date. Episode 3 will be January 1987, episode 4 will be February 1987 and so on.
Part review, part commentary, part index, all podast.
I’m pretty stoked about this and I know Jeffrey is to. Sure it’s another podcast to add to the pile of stuff I already do but we are pretty far ahead of the curve as far as episodes go, so it should work out just fine. I would like to thank Steve from the Superman Homepage for taking a chance on two kids with a dream and in addition to having episodes listed there the Fortress will serve as a secondary home in addition to the Facebook group I created some time ago with this show in the back of my head. So be sure to stay tuned on May 14th for the first episode and remember to e-mail us here afterward to tell us what you think and to join in on the Post Crisis Superman fun.
More to follow…