FCTC 2013 Logo

FCTC_Ep_189_LargeEpisode 189: Dead Again Part 1

Welcome to the one hundred and eighty-nine episode of From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast!  This podcast has a simple premise; examine just about every Superman comic published between Man of Steel #1 in 1986 to Adventures of Superman #649 in 2006 in an informative and hopefully entertaining format.

Part index.  Part commentary.  Part history lesson.  All podcast.

This time out Mike and Jeff begin their coverage of the Dead Again storyline with the first two Super books from cover date November 1994.  In Superman: The Man of Steel #38 the revelation that there is a body in Superman’s tomb that looks an awful lot like the Man of Steel happens at the worst possible time.  Conduit escapes and has a serious mad on for Clark and Superman.  Their battle continues in Superman #94 along with a mysterious figure coming to town from Smallville and Professor Hamilton making a shocking discovery about the body found in Superman’s tomb.  After that the boys look at Superboy #9 where the Kid fights King Shark.  Finally Mike and Jeff hop in a cab, pay their $7.50 and head to a feature they like to call Meanwhile, At The Daily Planet.

You can subscribe to the show in two ways. First there is the RSS Feed and there is also the iTunes link. Are you on Facebook? Be sure to “like” the official FCTC page, which you can find by clicking on this link.

If you want to comment on the show or contact the hosts you can always private message Mike and Jeff, at the Superman Homepage, leave comments here or at the Homepage or here or email them by clicking this link. All questions, concerns, fears, trepidations and cheap shots are welcome.

Next Time: Dead Again continues in Adventures of Superman #517 and Action Comics #704.  The boys also look at Steel #9, Guardians of Metropolis #1 and Metropolis: SCU #1.




Welcome to another of the re-tooled Who’s Who Wednesdays, a regular feature here at the Fortress where every Wednesday (hence the name) I will present an entry from the original series of Who’s Who comics that DC published between 1984 and 1988.  Superman was well represented in those series and I wanted to share the entries with you just in case you have never seen them.  Today’s entry is Matrix-Prime!


(originally published in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #15 (May 1986)

Be sure to check out Episode Fifteen of the amazing Who’s Who: The Definitive Podcast of the DC Universe hosted by Rob Kelly and the Irredeemable Shag.  It is an awesome podcast that I cannot recommend highly enough.

Remember that you can click on the images to make them larger.


For those coming in late, Direct Currents was a cool, free giveaway that DC used to send to comic shops to promote their books.  They usually had short articles pimping whatever DC felt was going to be their hot thing that month as well as release dates and solicitation information for all their books.  I love these things as artifacts of my person Golden Age of collecting.  I even have a whole section of this site devoted to the more Superman centric editions of Direct Currents and you can see that section by clicking on this link.

Zero Month was the focus of issue 79 of Direct Currents and one of the more amusing things about about it was the Cover of the Month thing on the first page.  Usually it highlights whatever cover the people putting Direct Currents thought was the best around and nothing was ever going to keep it down.  In this edition they declared that all of the covers win the Cover of the Month thing, which is amusing.  Superman got some decent real estate as well, though I would have preferred that either the Superman: The Man of Steel or the Superman cover to be blown up like the Action Comics one, but they all look good so it’s not a huge deal.



Zero Month got not one but two sampler comics that were sent to comic shops.  Both of them are pretty neat too.  One was mostly black and white while the other was pretty much full color.  The biggest difference between the two is that the black and white one has just Zero in the title and the other one was straight up called Zero Month.  I’d love to sit here and type about why this was and when the word “Month” was added but I can’t because…I don’t know.  It’s interesting nonetheless and maybe someone can clue me in to why things played out the way they did.  No matter the reason here are the samplers.

First up is the Zero Sampler.

Next up is the Zero Month version.


FCTC 2013 Logo

FCTC_Ep_188_LargeEpisode 188: Zero Month Part 2

Welcome to the one hundred and eighty-eighth episode of From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast!  This podcast has a simple premise; examine just about every Superman comic published between Man of Steel #1 in 1986 to Adventures of Superman #649 in 2006 in an informative and hopefully entertaining format.

Part index.  Part commentary.  Part history lesson.  All podcast.


This time out Mike and Jeff finish up the Zero Month issues of the Superman books which took place during cover date October 1994.  In Adventures of Superman #0 the battle with Conduit continues and we learn more about both Kenny Braverman and Clark Kent’s past.  The final (for now) showdown takes place in Action Comics #0 where Clark has to make the decision; save his friends or reveal his identity!  Actually the choice is really easy but we wanted that to sound dramatic.  The cliffhanger ending in this issue is the body that is discovered in Superman’s former tomb.  That thing is supposed to be empty, right?  And Superman is supposed to be back?  Then why is his body still in the coffin?  Steel and Outisders #0 are up next followed by Elsewhere in the DC Universe (lots of zero issues there as you can imagine) and then the rest of your e-mails!

At the beginning of this episode Jeff and I talked about the fact that listener Marc Lax reached out to former Superman editor Mike Carlin and manged to get us a Baldy.  This was a huge deal for us as we had always wanted one but never wanted to directly ask.  Here is what the front of the Baldy looked like.  I didn’t scan the back because it has my address on it but the front should be enough.

My Baldy

You can subscribe to the show in two ways. First there is the RSS Feed and there is also the iTunes link. Are you on Facebook? Be sure to “like” the official FCTC page, which you can find by clicking on this link.

If you want to comment on the show or contact the hosts you can always private message Mike and Jeff, at the Superman Homepage, leave comments here or at the Homepage or here or email them by clicking this link. All questions, concerns, fears, trepidations and cheap shots are welcome.

Next Time: Dead Again kicks off with Superman: The Man of Steel #38 and Superman #94.  We will also be looking at Superboy #9 and Guardians of Metropolis #1!


FCTC 2013 Logo

FCTC_Ep_187_LargeEpisode 187: Zero Month Part 1

Welcome to the one hundred and eighty-seventh episode of From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast!  This podcast has a simple premise; examine just about every Superman comic published between Man of Steel #1 in 1986 to Adventures of Superman #649 in 2006 in an informative and hopefully entertaining format.

Part index.  Part commentary.  Part history lesson.  All podcast.

Zero Hour is over.  Done and dusted.  The timeline has been reset and the DCU has a fresh coat of paint on it.

What does this mean for Superman?

So glad you asked!

This time out Mike and Jeff kick off their two part look at the Zero Month issues of Superman.  All of these books came out with the cover date of October 1994 and all of them were numbered zero, which made remembering the issue numbers really easy.  In Superman: The Man of Steel #0 the villain known as Conduit has a serious mad-on for Clark Kent.  Who is this Conduit guy and what does he have to do with Clark’s old classmate Kenny Braverman?  That question is answered in Superman #0 where we learn what motivated Kenny to hate Clark Kent with the fire of a thousand burning suns.  After that we take a look at Superboy #0 where the Kid and Tana Moon take a little vacation and pal around with Professor Emil Hamilton and the Kid proves that he shouldn’t be allowed to have x-ray specs.  Then the boys hop into a cab, pay their $7.50 and discuss what was going on in the real world when these comics were on the stands.  Finally, as promised two episodes ago, Mike and Jeff dip into the mailbag and read a bunch of your e-mails!

During the course of the intro to this episode we mention a video that DC sent to comic shops to promote Zero Hour and Zero Month.  As promised here it that video for your viewing pleasure.

You can subscribe to the show in two ways. First there is the RSS Feed and there is also the iTunes link. Are you on Facebook? Be sure to “like” the official FCTC page, which you can find by clicking on this link.

If you want to comment on the show or contact the hosts you can always private message Mike and Jeff, at the Superman Homepage, leave comments here or at the Homepage or here or email them by clicking this link. All questions, concerns, fears, trepidations and cheap shots are welcome.

Next Time: Adventures of Superman #0, Action Comics #0, Steel #0 and Outsiders #0!


Welcome to another of the re-tooled Who’s Who Wednesdays, a regular feature here at the Fortress where every Wednesday (hence the name) I will present an entry from the original series of Who’s Who comics that DC published between 1984 and 1988.  Superman was well represented in those series and I wanted to share the entries with you just in case you have never seen them.  Today’s entry is Reactron!


(originally published in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #19 (September 1986)

Be sure to check out Episode Nineteen of the amazing Who’s Who: The Definitive Podcast of the DC Universe hosted by Rob Kelly and the Irredeemable Shag.  It is an awesome podcast that I cannot recommend highly enough.

Remember that you can click on the images to make them larger.