Host: Michael Bailey
Active Since: June 13, 2007
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What Is This Show About?
The show that started it all.
Back in 2007, Michael really wanted to start a podcast. This was in the early days of podcasting and it just seemed like fun. He knew he wanted to talk about comic books, but he also wanted to stand apart from the pack. The name was easy. Back in 2001, Michael created what you could charitably call a website on AOL where, once a week, he would write an essay about comic books. The name of that “site” was Views From The Longbox.
It wasn’t very good, but he tried.
In terms of format, Michael took his cue from two of the shows that he had started listening to in early 2007. One was called Two In One Showcase hosted by Blake and Chase. It was a fun show that picked a comic book related subject and talked about it. The other inspiration show was called The Diner. Hosted by James Lilecs, The Diner was about…well, it was a mix of pop culture discussion, weird music, and the host talking about his upbringing in Fargo, ND. Michael liked the fact that James humanized the subject matter by relating it to things that happened to him over the course of his life. So, Michael did what most people would do; he stole both formats and mashed them into one show.
The show evolved over the years, which is a good thing because shows either evolve or die. He had several semi-regular co-hosts, namely The Irredeemable Shag, Thomas Deja, and Andy Leyland. He conducted several interviews and teamed up with fellow fans and podcasters on numerous occasions. Mainly, he talked comics. And his life. For some reason, people seemed to like that.
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