Superman- McGuinness 009Superman turns 75 this year. This means different things to different people. To some it is a cause for celebration and an excuse to geek out over their favorite character. To others it is an excuse to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and explain why they don’t like the Man of Steel. Some of these articles and essays are well written and well thought out. Others are filled with snark and factual errors. No matter how the writer approaches his or her problems and issues with the character fans of Superman generally react with anger and righteous indignation and with good reason. Superman is a popular whipping boy for…well, everyone. For a variety of reasons (the fact that he does the right thing because it is the right thing to do, his costume, the glasses, etc.) Superman is the one character people feel comfortable in taking a shot at.

For a long time I would react to these articles like other Superman fans. I’d get angry. I’d fume. I’d calm down a bit and pick apart the arguments the writer of said article presented and then feel a whole lot better. I mean I know that Superman is awesome and I know why Superman is awesome and that would keep me pretty calm until the next article comes along and the cycle begins again.

A lot of the time I feel like this guy after reading one of those articles.

I’ll be honest with you…the whole thing has gotten very frustrating. No matter how many times we as Superman fans leap to the character’s defense the articles keep on coming. This doesn’t include the comic book store and message board arguments that we find ourselves embroiled in. Sometimes it feels like we’re getting hit from all sides all because we like Superman and the other side doesn’t.

After a lot of thought I have finally come up with the best way to deal with these naysayers. It isn’t fool proof but I think in the end it will make us all feel better and lead to a more productive fan experience.

You ready to hear my idea?

Okay…here goes. This is what we should do.


Do. Nothing.

Do not respond to these articles and essays. Do not engage these people in debate. Do not get into arguments on Facebook.

Do nothing.


Superman- Lee 010
This had better be good otherwise I will have to resort to the glowing eyes of anger.

Because it is a zero sum game. Trying to convince someone that doesn’t like Superman to like Superman is like teaching a pig to sing. It frustrates you and it pisses off the pig. If they don’t get it they probably never will. You can’t force someone to see your viewpoint when it comes to the Man of Steel. More often than not these people have made up their mind and there are much better things we can do with our time than get into fights on the Internet or in the comic shop. In many ways Superman is a lot like religion; either you get it or you don’t. Sure you can get a convert every now and then but the ratio of the “saved” to the “damned” is vast. Superman isn’t like Batman or Spider-Man or Wolverine. He’s a more pure character and represents a higher ideal than bad things happened to me so I must be angsty to deal with them. If someone doesn’t want to see that there is very little likelihood of you ever changing their mind.

Beyond that we need to stop going on the defensive. At his core Superman is a reactive character so it makes sense that his fans would follow suit. The thing is we’re not saving victims of a volcanic eruption or dealing with a meteor storm. We’re talking about a fictional character here. Is he a fictional character that we love and respect? Yes, but at the end of the day there are better things we can do with our time than talk to people that at best disagree with us and at worst hold us in contempt. I don’t know about you but dealing with people that are just going to make fun of me doesn’t sound like my idea of fun.

The obvious question is, “Well, Mike, if we don’t leap to Superman’s defense every time an article like this hits the web what should we do?” Well…be proactive. Start a blog about why you like Superman. Share photos and videos on Facebook. Start a podcast. Re-read your Superman comics. Re-watch the DVDs. Find like-minded Superman fans and geek out with them. Have fun. Celebrate Superman and don’t let anyone stop you. And if someone makes a snarky comment or tries to argue with you ignore them. They’re just trying to get under your skin. Don’t let them. Love what you love with all your heart and never let anyone take that away from you. Life is a scary, unpredictable thing and our lives are all too brief. Focus on what you like and to hell with those that disagree with you.

So the next time Cracked or io9 or some other site posts some anti-Superman piece ignore it. Don’t share it to Facebook. Don’t e-mail all your friends with a link to the article. When you do that you are giving whoever wrote the piece a wider audience, which is what they want. If you see someone else post the article walk away, figuratively speaking. Be secure and confident in the knowledge that you think Superman is awesome and no one will be able to take that away from you. Crank up whatever theme you love. Wear your favorite symbol shirt with pride. Tell people how much you love your favorite story. Revel in your fandom and ignore those that would try to take that away from you.

And keep one last thing in mind; if Superman were real he wouldn’t care that people are talking smack about him. He’d just keep fighting the good fight knowing that he was doing the right thing. If nothing else, be like Superman. Let the haters hate. We know better.

I've got better things to do anyway.  Much better things.  Because Lois is awesome.
I’ve got better things to do anyway. Much better things. Because Lois is awesome.


Welcome to another installment of Who’s Who Classic, a regular feature here at the Fortress where every Monday I will present an entry from the original series of Who’s Who comics that DC published between 1984 and 1988.  Superman was well represented in those series and I wanted to share the entries with you just in case you have never seen them.  Today’s entry is Krypto (Pre-Crisis)!

Krypto(originally published in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #13,, March 1986)

Remember that you can click on the images to make them larger.


Welcome to another installment of Who’s Who Classic, a regular feature here at the Fortress where every Monday I will present an entry from the original series of Who’s Who comics that DC published between 1984 and 1988.  Superman was well represented in those series and I wanted to share the entries with you just in case you have never seen them.  Today’s entry is Kandor (Pre-Crisis)!

Kandor(originally published in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #12, February 1986)

Remember that you can click on the images to make them larger.


Welcome to another installment of Who’s Who Classic, a regular feature here at the Fortress where every Monday I will present an entry from the original series of Who’s Who comics that DC published between 1984 and 1988.  Superman was well represented in those series and I wanted to share the entries with you just in case you have never seen them.  Today’s entry is Krypton and Kryptonite (Post-Crisis)!

Krypton and Kryptonite I Krypton and Kryptonite II(originally published in Who’s Who Update ’87 #3, October 1987)


Welcome to another installment of Who’s Who Classic, a regular feature here at the Fortress where every Monday I will present an entry from the original series of Who’s Who comics that DC published between 1984 and 1988.  Superman was well represented in those series and I wanted to share the entries with you just in case you have never seen them.  Today’s entry is Krypton and Kryptonite (Pre-Crisis)!

Krypton Kryptonite(originally published in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #13, March 1986)

Remember that you can click on the images to make them larger.


Welcome to another installment of Who’s Who Classic, a regular feature here at the Fortress where every Monday I will present an entry from the original series of Who’s Who comics that DC published between 1984 and 1988.  Superman was well represented in those series and I wanted to share the entries with you just in case you have never seen them.  Today’s entry is Jor-El (Pre-Crisis)!

Jor-El(originally published in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #12, February 1986)

Remember that you can click on the images to make them larger.


Last time I discussed what I would like to see in a proposed ninth volume of the Superman: The Man of Steel line of trades.  Today I want to talk about what I would like to see with Volume 10 and what that means for Volume 11.  Remember that all of this is pure speculation on my part.  I have no inside information nor am I saying this has to be the way the trades should be laid out.  It’s just one fan of this era discussing what he would do if someone asked.  Or even if someone didn’t ask as no one requested these posts.

And away, way, way we go.

I’m going to be honest…it is really hard to be objective about the stories I think should go in this trade.  Even though I started reading the Superman books with the Superboy/Legion story that started (for me anyway) in Superman #8 and continued in Action Comics #591 (though in all honesty those stories are sandwiched between two issues of Legion of Super-Heroes) it was the books released in late 1988 that really grabbed me as a reader and turned me into a hopeless addict life long fan.  I can vividly remember reading these comics against the backdrop of starting junior high school, getting my first pair of glasses, the death of Jason Todd, the Ruby Spears Superman animated series, the first season of Superboy and basically rushing headlong into becoming a teenager.  So for me this is the Golden Age of my Superman fandom.

These stories were also a transition point for this era of Superman as John Byrne, the man that led the revamp of the Man of Steel, had left the titles for good.  Luckily Jerry Ordway stayed on as both writer and artist of Adventures of Superman, Roger Stern and Kerry Gammill came on as the writer and artist respectively of Superman and Mike Carlin was still the editor.  Carlin even showed that he had a great sense of humor about the situation with this awesome house ad.

Ad- Superman Burn OutCome to think of it that ad would make a great cover for this volume.  It didn’t get a wide release as a house ad so if they were going with a re-purposed image then this is the perfect choice.  Well, either this house ad or this cover.

Adventures of Superman #446Seriously.  I love this cover.  It is one of the few pieces of original art that I would like to own if I could ever afford such a thing.  Gangbuster looks so freaking awesome.

Enough gushing.  Let’s get down to brass tacks.  What books go into the trade and in what order would I like to see them go?

(I really wish I was doing this as a podcast because then I could have a nice little music stinger there.  Just imagine it for me, okay?  Thanks.)

  • Adventures of Superman #445 – 22 pages
  • Superman Annual #2- Main Story, 40 pages
  • Superman #23 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #446 – 22 pages
  • Superman #24 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #447 – 22 pages
  • Superman #25 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #448 – 22 pages

Total page count with covers – 202 pages

The return of Brainiac story in Adventures #445 would make for a strong opening to this volume.  It is the second appearance of the Post Crisis Brainiac and in many ways it was better than the first appearance.  Moving right into Superman Annual #2 might seem odd considering it doesn’t address the sub-plot of Superman dealing with what he was forced to do in the Pocket Universe (because it hadn’t happened yet) but frankly Superman #23 didn’t go into all that much either so they go well together.  After that the books are arranged pretty much the way they were released and the stories have a nice, even flow.  The Gangbuster sub-plot begins, the Brainiac sub-plot really takes off and we see a Man of Steel start to break down.  It all builds to…

Superman The Man of Steel Volume 11: Exile

Recently DC has made a push to re-release certain collected editions that were previously abridged with the “cut scenes” added back in.  They did this for Batman in the form of No Man’s Land and pretty much the entire Knightfall saga.  So larger sized trades have a precedent.  Admittedly it would be strange to do that in the middle of an existing line like Superman: The Man of Steel but frankly I think this story deserves it.  Exile was the first Superman mega-crossover and in many ways it started the journey that led to the entire Death and Return saga.  Back in 1998 DC put out an Exile trade but they cut out certain chapters in the story, namely the four part back up series Hostile Takeover and the Mr. Mxyzptlk story from Superman #31.  It’s a damn shame too because both of those stories focused on Lex Luthor and how he dealt with the sudden absence of his greatest adversary.  I think that this story deserves another shot at collected edition glory.

I’d be good with the re-using the cover from that initial trade, which was drawn by…Jerry Ordway.

201- Exile AHere’s how the trade could break down.

  • Superman #26 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #449 – 22 pages
  • Superman #27 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #450 – 22 pages
  • Superman #28 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #451 – 22 pages
  • Superman #29 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #452 – 22 pages
  • Superman #30 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #453 – 22 pages
  • Superman #31 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #454 – 22 pages
  • Action Comics Annual #2 – 48 pages
  • Superman #32 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #455 – 22 pages
  • Superman #33 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #456 – 22 pages
  • Action Comics #643 – 22 pages

Now I know what you’re thinking.  “Mike, I just did the math.  That’s 17 regular sized issues and a 48 page annual which comes out to 422 pages of story.  Add in the covers and you are looking at 440 pages  That’s a huge trade.  It’ll never work.”  To that I have one thing to say…

Batman: Knightfall Volume 2: Knightquest was 656 pages.

So yeah…this could work.  And it would be epic.  For grins I would include all of the text pages and sketches from the back of Action Comics Annual #2.  Initially I was thinking that they should put the four chapters of Hostile Takeover together in the middle of the collection but after some thought I decided that reprinting the issues as they originally appeared in the books would break up the story better.  Going from Superman’s adventures in space to Lex Luthor’s misadventures of Earth and back again made for a great read when it first came out and it still makes for a good read today.

More than anything I want Exile to get the credit it deserves.  I don’t like to throw the word “epic” around lightly but Exile was a truly epic story.  It was the first time the Post Crisis Superman went into space for an extended period of time.  It also brought back concepts like Warworld and Mongul and introduced Draaga to the Superman titles.  Elements of the final chapters of this story were even adapted into the first season of the Justice League animated series.  I could go on but I am gushing as it is.

So yeah…that’s how I would like to see Volumes 10 and 11 of the Superman: The Man of Steel series to go.  I think it’s doable but I could be biased.  In fact I know I am biased but that doesn’t mean that I’m wrong.

More than anything I just want to this this series continue.  The fact that Volume 8 is coming out next year makes me very happy because it puts these stories into the hands of a new generation of readers.  I’m not suggesting that DC needs to go back to this version of Superman because “going home again” rarely works out well.  That doesn’t mean that these stories shouldn’t get a new life just as the Golden and Silver Age stories are getting a new lease thanks to the Chronicles and Showcase lines.  These volumes I am proposing aren’t for everyone but I think they are worthy of being published.

And that’s it for this time.  I hope you liked my trip down Speculation Lane.  What do you think about my suggestions?  Am I on the right track?  Should Exile be split into two volumes?  Feel free to let me know via the comment section!

More to follow…


In the previous post I wrote a bit about how volume eight of the Superman: The Man of Steel line of trade paperbacks has been solicited and is even up on Amazon.  This time out I want to speculate on what the future holds for this series and where I would like to see them go in the future.

If the solicitation information is to be believed Superman (Volume 2) #18 is the last issue in Volume 8.  So far DC has been dividing these trades up into (roughly) three month chunks and split things up as the story dictates.  So a 22 page story times 3 equals 66 pages.  Multiply that by 3 and it comes out to 198 pages.  Add in the covers and you have a little over 200 pages worth of material  Volume eight is also going to reprint Action Comics #600, which is the last monthly issue of that title until issue 643 as it was Action Comics Weekly from 601-642.  This means that they can do more than just three months worth of books which would get them even farther down the Post Crisis road..

So what could Volume 9 look like?  Here’s what I would like to see.  Remember…all of this is speculation on my part.  I have no inside information.  This is just me making an educated guess.

Superman: The Man of Steel Volume Nine (Proposed)

This one was trickier than I thought it would be because I was trying to do three things at once.  The first of those things is keep the page count to a little over 200..  The second is to keep the narrative flow of the issues going.  The third was to give John Byrne’s run a proper send off.  This is what I came up with starting with the cover.

As I mentioned in the previous post I am a big fan of the Ordway covers this line has been sporting, so ideally an original cover by him featuring the new Supergirl or the Kyrptonian villains would be awesome.  If they did have to re-purpose some Ordway art this cover would be fantastic.

Adventures of Superman #444However there are two images drawn by John Byrne that would also serve as great covers to this volume.  Initially this one was the front runner.

Superman (Vol. 2) #21Simple.  Effective.  Makes you wonder the heck is going on, right?  But what if you really want to grab a new reader…someone that has never read this era of Superman before?  What image would make you just have to pick up this book?

This one.

Superman (Vol. 2) #022Yeah.  That would do it.

So what issues would I choose to be included in the volume and what order would I put them in?

  • Adventures of Superman #441 – 22 pages
  • Superman #19 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #442 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #443 – 32 pages
  • Superman Annual #2 – 8 page Private Lives story
  • Superman #20 – Pages 1-7
  • Doom Patrol #10 – 22 pages
  • Superman #20 – Pages 8-22
  • Superman #21 – 22 pages
  • Adventures of Superman #444 – 22 pages
  • Superman #22 – 22 pages

Total pages count including covers if you give them each their own page – 216

Normally I wouldn’t want them to double up on a title like I am proposing with Adventures of Superman but issue 443 of that title is a bit of an anomaly.  Originally the story in that issue was supposed to be the Adventures of Superman Annual for 1988 but things didn’t go exactly to plan and it got put into the regular title sans ads as it was a 32 page story.  Fun fact; It is also Jerry Ordway’s first Superman story as a writer.  The reason I placed it where I did was that the final pages of Superman #20 leads nicely into #21 so it seemed like a good fit.  If you are curious why I split Superman #20 at page 7 and put Doom Patrol #10 between those pages, well there’s a good reason for that.  The events of Doom Patrol #10 takes place between panels four and five of page 7 of the Superman issue.  Weird but true.

Theoretically I could have put all of Superman Annual #2 into this trade as it was released alongside the issues in this proposed collection.  There are two reasons I left it out.  For one thing the main story is 40 pages and that’s a lot of real estate.  Another, more important reason is that the main story was written by Roger Stern and my thinking was that since his first official issue of Superman would probably be collected in the next volume it felt right cutting it from this trade as it would allow all of the Stern stories to be kept together.

The reason I included the eight page Private Lives story from the annual is that it was written and drawn by John Byrne.  Since Superman #22 was Byrne’s last issue as writer/artist/writer of the Superman titles it felt right to keep all of the Byrne stories together.  Also it’s a great little piece centering on Dan “Terrible” Turpin getting injured in the line of duty and COMPLETELY misinterpreting Maggie Sawyer’s feelings for him leading to a rather embarrassing confession and seeing more of Maggie than he ever thought he would.

It also has the first appearance of Barrage.  The fact that it wasn’t the only appearance was a surprise to…well, everyone.

There’s another reason to close out the trade with Superman #22.  It has a very uncertain ending.  Superman has just…done something that he has sworn never to do.  There’s this feeling of unease that makes you want to read the next adventure just to see what happens.  How will he deal with this terrible act?  What will the guilt drive him to do?  This could build anticipation for the next volume in the line.

So that’s what I would like to see in Volume 9 of the Superman: The Man of Steel series of trade paperbacks.  I haven’t stopped there, though  What about Volume 10?  Come back tomorrow (or click to the next post) and find out.