Here is the first in a series (hopefully) of posts where I showcase some of my favorite Superman covers.  A lot of fantastic covers have graced the various Superman books over the years and DC even put out a book of them back in 2006 titled Superman: Cover to Cover, which I think is one of those few “must haves” for fans of the Man of Steel.

McGuinness Cover

When Jeph Loeb began writing Superman full time in 1999 he quickly became my favorite of the new regime that came in with editor Eddie Berganza.  Ed McGuinness, on the other hand, took some getting used to.  I can’t for the life of me remember what my problem was with Ed’s art, but that turned around pretty quick.  Jeph and Ed are one of best teams to work on Superman and this issue, Superman (Vol. 2) #155 (April 2000), was where Superman and Superboy first really connected and where Conner started becoming more of a part of the Kent family.  During the “Hyper-Tension” storyline that ran through Superboy’s title the previous year Conner re-encountered a more Silver Age version of himself and found out that the Superboy he hung with was also Clark Kent.  Loeb played around with that in this issue to good effect and made it one of my favorite of his and Ed’s tenure.  This cover embodies all of that in one striking image.

And I dig it.

More to follow…

THE NEW STUFF: 05/07/2008

Very light this week.  Not so much a money issue as trying to control myself.  Plus the wife and I have the trip to Metropolis coming up, so I’m trying to put a little aside so we can have some spending money. 

So, what came out this week?

Action Comics Annual #11

Well it finally came out.  After numerous delays we finally get the conclusion to “Last Son” , which I sure as shootin’ have things to say about.  I am behind on my reviews but hopefully over the next week I can get caught.

Of course I always say that, but overall I’ve been pretty good when it comes to this blog.

Supergirl #29

Month two of giving this book another chance.  Hopefully it will continue on an upswing because I found the previous issue to be very strong.

Plus, I couldn’t really turn my back on this title.

Infinity, Inc.  Now there’s a book I could turn my back on.


All-Star Superman Free Comic Book Day

Sure I own both covers of the original but it was free.

Still don’t have the hardcover of the first six issues, though.  I need to pick that up at some point.

Hope y’all had a good week at the shop as well.

More to follow…