Welcome back to the Fortress’ presentation of the “deleted scenes” from Adventures of Superman #500.  The collector’s/bagged edition of that comic had eight pages that were exclusive to that version and with few exceptions had never been reprinted, even in the trade paperback.  This time out we’ll be looking at the third and fourth pages.

These pages took place during Jonathan Kent’s quest to find his son in the afterlife.  The first page was an addition to the scene where he was tempted by Blaze and the second features more to his meeting with the being known as Kismet.  Of the two I prefer the Blaze page but the page of Jonathan falling through the cosmos is pretty darn cool as well.  While these pages were not in the World Without a Superman trade paperback they were included in the Death and Return of Superman Omnibus, which is kind of funny when you think about because they cut so much out of the overall story in that hardcover but left these pages in.  I’m glad they did but still…weird.

Next time: Hey, that’s Superman up there on that procession.

More to follow…