As the title of this post suggest Jeffrey and I have finally gotten to Zero Hour: Crisis in Time over on From Crisis to Crisis.  To celebrate this and because it seemed like a fun idea I am going to be devoting most (not all but most) of the posts to that event and its follow up Zero Month.  This will be similar to the coverage I gave to the Death and Return of Superman, just on a smaller scale.

To kick things off I have the article from Wizard: The Guide to Comics #36 (August 1994) that Jeff and I talked about in the most recent (as of this posting) episode of the show.  It was a fairly in depth article with some great pictures to go along with it.  What I don’t have is the cover, which I chose not to scan because it was Spider-Man related and that didn’t feel like it belonged here.  Oddly enough it was a Spider-Man cover drawn by future Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada.  Anyway, here is the article.

Wizard also had a contest going on that month that was Zero Hour related. Continue reading ZERO HOUR IS HERE!